4 Month Sleep Regression: What To Do and How?

In this article:
- What Is The 4 Month Sleep Regression?
- What Are The Signs of 4 Month Sleep Regression?
- Why Does Sleep Regression Happen?
- How To Navigate Sleep Regression?
What Is The 4 Month Sleep Regression?
The 4 month sleep regression is a time when your baby is experiencing a shift in their sleeping patterns and seem more fussy than usual. I can tell you this; You're not going crazy and there likely wasn't a shift in your routine. This period is extremely normal and more common than you may think.
Signs of 4 Month Sleep Regression?
Some tell tale signs that your newborn is going through a 4 month sleep regression are:
- They seem more fussy than normal.
- Their sleeping schedule is suddenly thrown off.
- They are having less naps during the day.
- Longer wake windows during the day.
- They are experiencing changes in their appetite.
The great news is, sleep regression is only temporary and generally lasts 2-4 weeks.
Why Does It Happen?
There are several reasons why 4 month sleep regression is happening, but the most common one is: your baby is going through a growth spurt.
Things that happen during a 4 month sleep regression period:
- Your baby's brain is evolving and learning new skills.
- Your baby is learning new tricks like rolling over or sitting up.
- Your baby is becoming more independent at play and holding their head up.
- Your baby may be teething.
- Your baby is finding their hands more and improving with hand-eye coordination.
All of these skills take a lot of work from baby, and thus, result in sleep regression. Though this extremely common, not all babies will experience sleep regression.
How To Navigate Sleep Regression?
Here's some helpful tips to help you navigate this first leap period:
- Try to avoid getting frustrated. Remember that this phase is only temporary and your baby is gaining new skills.
- Continue your daily routine as though you were before the sleep regression started. Take it easy on yourself. Though they may seem off track, establishing a daily routine will help baby navigate this time.
- Establish day and night practices. Help your baby learn the household routine by keeping it bright and louder during the day, and dim and quiet at night.
- Look for feeding cues and act quickly. Infants tend to be more cranky during this time. As their appetite changes, they may grow hungry quicker and look for a little extra feed time. Don't be afraid to go with the flow to learn their new demands.
- Look for sleeping patterns and make record of them. Infants tend to have longer wake windows during this first leap. Record their patterns and work around them.
Extra cuddles and comfort to your baby will help them respond to these changes and ultimately help your family navigate the sudden dip in your sleep. If absolutely necessary, reach out to family, friends and your support team to step in and help for a few hours while you catch up on sleep or other important tasks.
If you suspect that what you're experiencing could be more than sleep regression, don't hesitate to reach out to your medical provider and/or pediatrician for additional information or further assessment.
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