My girls are turning 6!.... I'm emotional.

This weekend we went trick or treating for Halloween and it dawned on me that my girls have a birthday coming up.
I don't know about anyone else, but I feel an extreme mix of emotions surrounding my kids' birthday every year.
It's like a BIRTH date for them, date of BIRTH for me, milestone marker, reminder that they're getting older, moment of celebration for a job well done getting passed all the hard times and moments of despair.
It's just..... ALOT to be cheerful about.
This twin mom journey hasn't been easy but it has definitely been the most rewarding position I have EVER been in.
I'm happy. I'm honored. I'm blessed.
Tomorrow, my little pumpkins turn 6! Of course, I will be VLOGGING the day and posting to share with you all.
In the meantime, wish them a happy birthday in the comments and check out our Halloween House Tour Vlog.
Be sure to like and subscribe so you don't miss the next episode. :)
Muscle Up Mommy,
Mykel B Davis
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